субота, 28. мај 2011.

Saya i Masaya

Niakaragva ima 14 aktivnih vulkana.
Jedan od njih je Masaya i video  ga Saya(Me,Myself&I).
Nalazi se na oko 30 km od Managve.
Na ulazu u Nacionalni Park placa se nesto sitno ,cini mi se oko 3$ po glavi.
Sad bih trebao pisati o vulkanu.okolini i slicno.Ne znam da li bi bio ubedljiv?
Ukratko ,Masaya ce mi ostati u secanju jos dugo,dugo.
Odakle ja dolazim,nisam bas u prilici da vidjam vulkane bas  svaki dan.
Masaya je inace "dobri vulkan",iako je jos aktivan,ne remeti avio saobracaj kao onaj "grozni"s Islanda.
U vulkanologiju se ne razumem ,zato nek fotografije govore vise od reci.

недеља, 1. мај 2011.

Finally,Torres scores his first goal for Chelsea!

I must point out that just did not overly happy that I attended the historic match at Stamford Bridge.From very simple reason, namely, I'm a fan of Arsenal but since I'm already in London and my favorite team is not playing at home, why not? Of course I did not tell anyone that Arsenal fan I am, because it might jeopardize my integrity and sovereignty.Since the  stadium was only 10 minutes walk from the apartment we rented, we slowly headed for the Stamford Bridge 30 minutes before the match.
The day before the match we are armed with fan`s equipment in Chelsea shop.
I have to make a small digression, I bought souvenirs for my friends in Serbia.
Of course I`m not wearing a Chelsea shirt ,or anything that has blue color.
Souvenirs i left in apartment.
                 Here you can  see that I am not lying
Company with whom I went to the match can be classified as stupid tourists or rather football illiterate.There`s no better evidence than my best man Jerry who accidentally visited my home on the day when MAN.UTD and Liverpool played in  FA Cup.Jerry is L`pool fan.The first 15 minutes of the match "expert"supported the boys in red.My younger son who is only 11 years,in very polite way explained to him that MAN.UTD is host and usually wears red jersey.Liverpool is guest and they are in white jersey.Jerry said:"Really?I didn`t know"

                                                         The expert
The other two members of this "happy crew" ,were our better halves.The only advantage was that my wife accidentally heard of Drogba, of course, the other is not.
                                                          my wife
Poor me!
Better to have looked fashion show or rhythmic gymnastics!
I knew it would be interesting moments during the match.
First reacted Jerry "the expert":
"This is not football,this is water polo!".
The only day it rained in London,during our stay was the day when we went Stamford Bridge.
Fortunately,it was raining a little over 90 minutes.

I don`t know if it makes sense to explain every action on the ground?

It makes no sense,really.

                                                   Garisha on Stamford Bridge
But very intelligent question i have to comment on.
Before the match my wife asked me:"Who to cheer?"
Marina asked me :"Who is ex husband of Cheryl Cole?I have to make photograph,my friend will be delighted."
"Is there a Serbian player in Chelsea?"
When i answered it and showed to her,she said:"See!How funny he runs!"

                                              She was thinking about this player
"The player with curly hair is the best"
Unfortunately,i had to agree.
Then came 44 min.
Frank Lampard scored the first goal.In the meantime ,Chelsea fans around 40 min.of the game slowly went to the pub to be refreshed with beer.Marina said:"What a shame!They should be punished!They drink beer and did not see the goal!"??????They were still plenty of comments,but it would be at least 60 pages to describe it.And then came a moment of history.
I`m glad that i attended a historic moment.Will i ever watch the match with "happy crew"?Of course NOT!I will let them to walk beside the Thames....


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