Niakaragva ima 14 aktivnih vulkana.
Jedan od njih je Masaya i video ga Saya(Me,Myself&I).
Nalazi se na oko 30 km od Managve.
Na ulazu u Nacionalni Park placa se nesto sitno ,cini mi se oko 3$ po glavi.
Sad bih trebao pisati o vulkanu.okolini i slicno.Ne znam da li bi bio ubedljiv?
Ukratko ,Masaya ce mi ostati u secanju jos dugo,dugo.
Odakle ja dolazim,nisam bas u prilici da vidjam vulkane bas svaki dan.
Masaya je inace "dobri vulkan",iako je jos aktivan,ne remeti avio saobracaj kao onaj "grozni"s Islanda.
U vulkanologiju se ne razumem ,zato nek fotografije govore vise od reci.
I mustpoint outthatjustdid notoverlyhappythatIattendedthe historicmatchat StamfordBridge.Fromverysimplereason,namely,I'm a fanof Arsenalbut sinceI'm alreadyinLondonandmyfavoriteteamis notplayingathome, whynot?Of courseI did not tellanyonethatArsenalfanI am, becauseitmightjeopardizemyintegrityand sovereignty.Since the stadiumwasonly 10minuteswalkfromthe apartmentwerented,we slowly headed for theStamfordBridge30minutesbefore the match.
The day before the match we are armed with fan`s equipment in Chelsea shop.
I have tomake asmalldigression,I boughtsouvenirsfor myfriendsinSerbia.
Of course I`m not wearing a Chelsea shirt ,or anything that has blue color.
Souvenirs i left in apartment.
Hereyou can seethatI am not lying
CompanywithwhomIwentto thematchcanbeclassified asstupidtouristsor rather footballilliterate.There`s no better evidence than my best man Jerry who accidentally visited my home on the day when MAN.UTD and Liverpool played in FA Cup.Jerry is L`pool fan.The first 15 minutes of the match "expert"supported the boys in red.My younger son who is only 11 years,in very polite way explained to him that MAN.UTD is host and usually wears red jersey.Liverpool is guest and they are in white jersey.Jerry said:"Really?I didn`t know"
The expert
The other two members of this "happy crew" ,were our better halves.The onlyadvantagewasthatmy wifeaccidentallyheardofDrogba,of course,the otheris not.
my wife
Poor me!
Better to have looked fashion show or rhythmic gymnastics!
I knew it would be interesting moments during the match.
First reacted Jerry "the expert":
"This is not football,this is water polo!".
The only day it rained in London,during our stay was the day when we went Stamford Bridge.
Fortunately,it was raining a little over 90 minutes.
I don`t know if it makes sense to explain every action on the ground?
It makes no sense,really.
Garisha on Stamford Bridge
But very intelligent question i have to comment on.
Before the match my wife asked me:"Who to cheer?"
Marina asked me :"Who is ex husband of Cheryl Cole?I have to make photograph,my friend will be delighted."
"Is there a Serbian player in Chelsea?"
When i answered it and showed to her,she said:"See!How funny he runs!"
She was thinking about this player
"The player with curly hair is the best"
Unfortunately,i had to agree.
Then came 44 min.
Frank Lampard scored the first goal.In the meantime ,Chelsea fans around 40 min.of the game slowly went to the pub to be refreshed with beer.Marina said:"What a shame!They should be punished!They drink beer and did not see the goal!"??????They were still plenty of comments,but it would be at least 60 pages to describe it.And then came a moment of history. I`m glad that i attended a historic moment.Will i ever watch the match with "happy crew"?Of course NOT!I will let them to walk beside the Thames....
Da ne bude zabune.To je moja sugradjanka koja je pomogla onom cupavom naucniku da postane popularan i na kraju da dobije Nobelovu nagradu. Pa da krenemo od kuce.Cupavi naucnik je ziveo tu od 1936 do 1955 kad je otisao u vecna lovista. Dok je bio ziv insistirao je da se kuca gde je ziveo ne oznaci posle njegove smrti,tj.da turisiti kao ja ne bi forografisali kucu.Hm...Znao je nesrecnik da ce se kad tad sazanati da mu je Mileva pomagala,bilo ga sramota . Gradski oci u Princetonu su ga poslusali ali ipak u ulici Mercer 112 ima na trotoaru znak koji oznacava od cupavog kucu.Meni nije bio potreban putokaz jer sam imao lokalnog vodica tj stanovnika Pricetona. Evo kako kuca izgleda trenutno.
Sada u kuci zivi neki drugi naucnik i nadam se da mu se supruga ne zove Mileva .
U tuci su ucestvovale dve bande. Jedna je bila lokalna koja je mislila da je teren njihov, a druga je bila ogranak internacionalne bande sa centrom u Britanskim ostrvima, koja se osilila i smatrala da je sve njihovo.
Dok je pijana internacionalna banda slavila bozic, jerbo bande su uvek religiozno potkovane, lokalci su to iskoristili, presli obliznju zaledjenu reku i dobro ih pretukli. Neki od pijanaca su uspeli da pobegnu i sakriju se u velikoj kamenoj zgradi na glavnoj ulici u Princeton-u. Lokalci su naravno bolje znali svoje ulice i sledeceg dana dovukli topove na Princeton-ske ulice, jer jos nisu imali tenkove i dobro isprasili gostinjski tim.
Posle ove tuce, gostinjski tim je odlucio da im bas i ne ide dobro i povukao se iz New Jersey-a.
Sef lokalne bande je postao vrlo popularan tako da se njegova slika pojavila cak i na novcanicama od jednog dolara.
Domaci tim je bio vrlo zadovoljan svojim uspesima, i od tada pa do danas je puno vezbao is postao je vodeci internacional tim koji uspeva da tuce sve lokalne timove sirom sveta, ukljucujuci i nas pre desetak godina.
Sta jos ima u tom Princeton-u?
Ima mnogo lepih stvari....
Recimo tu je kuca Peter Benchley-a(Jaws) pisca tj scenariste poznatog filma .
Osim gore pomenutog baje sto mu se slika pojavila na novcanici,tu je i kuca predsednika Cleavland-a
A da su gradjani Princetona veliki vernici,pokazuje i ova fotografija Trinity Church.Lepa crkva.
Uopste Princeton je divna varos.
Evo jos par fotografija da vam bolje docaram;
Sto bi rekao moj domacin u Princeton-u: "Lici malko na Becej":) Al` samo malko:) Ljudi su kulturushka,cak se moze videti da kada nailazite na ulicu sa pravom prvenstva,da vas neko propusti. Sto u NY ne moze da se desi. Ima tu pokoji nas covek.Neki su i sutdirali.... Ali sta jos imaju? Pa naravno Pancicevu Omoriku!!!
I am a little bit of a liar. Londoner, has spent more than a half-life in Wales.For the very simple reason, he married Welsh women. In Serbia, we used to say: Where is your wife was born, that's your origin.
Lond-Welsh guy name is Steve,my walking guru.
In Wales , there are three national parks:Snowdonia,The Brecon Beacons and the Pembrokeshire Cost,containing landscapes and habitats of international importance.
Like all Brits,Steve was very polite and attentive to me.He chose the easiest hiking tour for me.
Pen-Y-Fan is the highest mountain in South Wales, part of the national park. It is formed of strongly glaciated Old Red Sandstone.
The exact height of Pen-y-Fan is 886 m. If we compare the highest peak in my surroundings , it will be great progress for me:)
The English translation of Pen-Y- Fan is approximately, "top of the beacon".
Let`s go on top! We left the car at the foot of the mountain and moved slowly on.
On the left side was a stream
There was also was one house that I forgot to take photo of.In exchange for this, here are some more pictures of beautiful landscapes.
And walking guru-Steve!
You can not imagine Wales without a sheep.And where are the sheep, there they are ... So we have to be careful not to accidentally stand on s...
I did not show Steve, the differences between the English and the Welsh.He need to recognize by yourself.It`s high time:)
Since we did not have any affinity for the sheep, we continue our journey.
Not just sheep in Wales, you can also find here pony horsess who share food with sheep.
At the half way point we stopped.
Steve has informed me that our large swimming pool is expected soon.Here it is!
We met a lot of hikers and talked with them.Always same question:"Lovely weather isn`t it?" Once,twice... When it became clear that they will not stop with the same question, I started to laugh.
It seems that British hikers does not have a lot of opportunities to enjoy in beautiful weather? Steve nice man, answered a million times ..Yes,lovely... Only children were not asked us.They don`t care.
A memorial obelisk can be seen on the half way to the summit.
Tommy Jones Obelisk
The obelisk commemorates a five-year-old boy who died in August 1900.Tommy had died from exhaustion and exposure, but how a small boy managed to climb so high remains a mystery?Sad story.
That was our second break.
Hm.A few hundred meters followed by a third break.So near but so far!
I admit I was a little hurt leg.Maybe the main reason was my new hiking shoes?Maybe I`m not in good shape?Certainly it's all true.Dear friend Steve had understanding of the urban Serbian tourist.
And then, suddenly, and we are on top!
There, we asked an hiker to make a photo historical photo
more historical photos I was happy as a little child.Is no small thing for a guy from the plains to win so big top. 886m and 539m are not for comparison, is not it? Big difference. Steve was very proud of me.He recomended next destination North Wales-Snowdonia.
My dear friend,it`s too much historical hiking for me.
Leave it for next year.
I promised him, but I`m urban travel garisha...
I need time to prepare.
Garisha thinks about of the next hiking Oh I forgot.Return back was piece of cake!! The weather was beautiful. The legs did not hurt me. Steve has not made a joke to my account.Or he made? Who cares!
Watch out!
Snowdonia I`m coming!